Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Self Made Man Podcast with Mike Dillard HOW TO BUILD A $100 MILLION BRAND FROM SCRATCH with Andy Dunn


A great story & message here from Mike Dillard Self Made Man
an excellent podcast & mission to empower men and women throughout the globe
A great episode with Andy Dunn creator of clothing brand Bonobos.
Subscribe available on iTunes, Stitcher, Youtube, Spotify


Monday, 16 October 2017

Jay Abraham interviews Brian Tracy

Success leaves clues...

Some great tips from two of the finest mentors in the world

If you always follow the guru's back up the tree and find out who they learned from

without a doubt, there will only be less than 5 people in the world

2 of them will be these guys.

If your going to buy a book and course, make it one of theirs

you will not be disappointed, a good starting place is with Brain Tracy's Focal Point book

Monday, 9 October 2017


Bodybuilders are weird right, WRONG!

Some people just don't get what it's all about...

it's a mental game that spills into every area of your life.

The mind of man can lift anything compared to physical strength.

Congrats Phil, Great Speech & Passion for the sport.
