Tuesday, 26 August 2014

The Two Personality Types & The Ant Philosophy

Hi everyone,

Having worked with a lot of people over the years both in the military often seen as a boiling pot of young talent to working with businesses throughout the globe there are always two main types of people we see.

People are complex, and we are all unique individuals, but two personality traits always shine through no matter what the situation be it having challenges with their business or being in high-stress situations such as a conflict or working exceptionally long hours.

So let's give you an example we all can relate to, meetings are a fact of everyone's life - be it in work as a staff meeting or a boardroom business meetings. Most of us have all lost countless hours sitting in meeting discussing how much work needs to be done, but just spent half the day in a meeting that resulted in not getting a lot done.

So you have two people: Mick and John, both of equal intellect and status, you simply ask them to arrange a meeting room for say 11.00am Monday with refreshments and all items required a whiteboard, markers, handouts, pens and such like that's the task.

Now depending on their attitude and approach two things will happen you will turn up at 11.00 am and it will be all good to go so you can get on and cover all areas swiftly and get moving. The alternative result and more likely these days the room is locked or been double booked and the meeting has to be offset or rescheduled.

So let's look at potentially could happen here, well both got the task, but Mick went and seen the meeting room, and found it was locked. He tried to locate the keys, but the guy who had the key was off sick that day. He may have asked a few people but got no joy, he also checked to see if window or another access was available.

Given that he believes that he explored options he gives up on the task and does not follow through on booking refreshments or give feedback to management that a problem has arisen.

He then puts the task to the back on his mind and says he will try tomorrow again. Next day Mick is sent on a driving job to the airport and is taken off base the entire day.

He also fails to delegate the task to someone else to sort meeting out - the result is a massive fail come Monday 11.00 when 10-15 people turnup  only to be rather embarrassing told it’s not happening.    

Now John, on the other hand, once given the task, takes 2 minutes after to write down details and what is required liaise with the cookhouse for refreshments, cutlery, etc., what equipments he needs to source whiteboard markers, stationery, etc.

He then goes to the venue of meeting to see the layout, the door is locked, as before with Mick, but John follows the trail also to find key person is missing that day, he tried to locate another access but also finds the window locked,

He next thinks all buildings are maintained by public works department and that they keep spare keys in case of fire or lost keys so they can get another one cut; he phones round contacts the caretaker and gets access to the spare key.

He then access the room checks layout and gets a few guys to help him source the equipment needs he sets room up and also delegates responsibly to others to say pick up sandwiches and cutlery at 10.00 Monday.

John also prepares the tables and layout to ensure everything ready to rock and roll. He also holds on to key and secures room once he's ready placing a note on the door to inform of upcoming meeting. Sure enough, when 11.00 am comes around everything is swift and efficient, and the meeting is a blinding success.

So what the difference in Mike and John, is John super clever or a better person, no, not really the factor that makes him more valuable is his attitude and mindset he's got what I refer the Ant Philosophy, mentioned by the late Jim Rohn, a great man.

Most will have seen the picture of a child or nature guy holding an ant in the palm of his hand and trying to control its movement, usually fruitlessly as the ant will go over, under, through - he will find a way or die trying to get the food back to the nest.

We see this to extreme with the migration of Army ants in Africa where they literally destroy everything in their path, systematically covering huge areas with nothing in their path surviving, crossing huge rivers building a raft of ants so others can use their bodies to get over, etc.

I am not saying that you become so ferocious that you leave a path of destruction where every you've been, as some do, but rather have the tenacity that no obstacle will stand in your way. They are like test walls put up to see how much you want it, are you going to stay on that side of the door / wall or will you employ the ant philosophy to get under, over through, no matter what.

The others out there who lack this mental fortitude and the resolve to commit and say I am going to do it always seem to have problems but rarely look inward but blame , condemn and criticise everyone else. They blame the factors like the person who was sick, why were they not in work? Or why is the window not open? Etc its all the wrong approach.

The key is to deliver no matter what always do more than expected, put the extra effort in no matter what the task. It is often quoted that we leave our signature on everything we do.

So adopt the attitude to raise the level of commitment and make it a habit give everything in life 110% you relationships,your business, health, etc. Pretty soon it's automatic, and you will amaze the level of competency you have. This habit will reaffirms your confidence, and you will tackle bigger problems and solutions seem to present themselves as a matter of response

Here are two great mnemonics for Success and Failure

F-rustration, hopelessness, futility                     S-ense of direction
A-ggression (misdirected)                                 U-nderstanding
I-nsecurity                                                          C-ourage
L-oneliness (lack of feeling complete)              C-harity
U-ncertainty                                                       E-steem
R-esentment                                                       S-elf-Confidence
E-mptiness                                                         S-elf-Acceptance

Try the Ant approach and even though it may seem like a minute little step :) it can revolutionise your business and life towards the attainment to your goals - so mark your map today on which area you want to invade and go to work :)

Hope this helps

kind regards

Saturday, 9 August 2014

The Corridor Principal

In a 12-year study into the reasons for success, researchers concluded that virtually all success was based on what they called the “corridor principle.”

They likened achieving success to proceeding down a corridor in life. Each of us stands at the entrance to this corridor, looking into the darkness, and we see the corridor disappear into the distance. The researchers said that the difference between the successes and the failures in their study could be summarised by the one word - action !

Successful people were willing to move themselves down the corridor of opportunity without any guarantee of what would occur. They were willing to risk uncertainty and overcome the normal fears and doubts that hold the great majority in place.

And the remarkable thing is that as you move down the corridor of life, new doors of opportunity open up on both sides of you. However, you would not have seen those doors if you had not moved down the corridor. They would not have opened up for you if you had waited for some assurance before stepping out in faith and taking action.

The saying “A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step” simply means that great accomplishments begin with your willingness to face the inevitable uncertainty of any new enterprise and step out boldly in the direction of your goal.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Wordpress Security Tips To Help You Stay Secure

Hi everyone,

See a number of post regarding hacking attempts unfortunately it can be part of the internet lifestyle but prevention is the key.

Here are some quick tips to help boost your internet security with a wordpress website

There are several types of hacks from a basic redirect, placing malware on site or a brute force attack where they take your site down completely. This is rare but well worth protecting yourself as much as possible. 

As with all things if they are determined to crash your site. It can be very difficult to protect the site 100%, but this will certainly make it more of an undertaking, as hackers look for easy targets first. 

Here are some key places to start...

Never use ADMIN as the default user name change it to something unique to you. If you want to super secure you can get an autogenerated   user name to create a more hack safe one with number characters and symbols, etc. 

If you have used admin you can change it, with a specific plugin called admin name extender or through your Cpanel.

Always ensure you keep you versions of Wordpress up to date as often the fix and upgrade the security within the update.There is also a plugin to automate this (https://wordpress.org/plugins/automatic-updater/)

Install a plugin called limit login attempts (https://wordpress.org/plugins/limit-login-attempts/ )
as this has a useful feature that can auto lockout and repeated attempts to access your site for up to 48 hours to that IP once they have tried x amount of times. This also stops automated software from trying to crack the codes as it will also disable it. 

Install all in one security suites to Wordpress to boost its security
Two proven ones are,

 All in one WP-security and Firewall 

Better WP Security now called iThemes security (https://wordpress.org/plugins/better-wp-security/)

These two are powerful and hide a lot of vulnerable areas such as site login location which is typically www.sitename.com/wp-admin as the default they also create a firewall within Wordpress. Most have a wizard to guide your through steps along with meter reading of protection.

For the control of spam on you comments on the blog for example, install Amisket ( http://akismet.com) which is a free service and works brilliantly.

For passwords, I would recommend (https://lastpass.com) as highly military grade encryption and also has a random password generator alternatively here is another link to one (http://passwordsgenerator.net)

There are also some monthly subscription hostings especially for Wordpress that handle all this for a nominal fee the highest rated being WP Engine.

WP Engine are specialists in hosting WordPress sites. They pride themselves on performance, reliability and support. 

They cost a bit more than traditional WordPress hosting sites, but they offer a number of unique features not found elsewhere, such as

Caching to speed up your site using the WP Engine custom-built EverCache Technology

If your WordPress site is ever hacked. WP Engine will fix your site for free!

A one-click backup and restore option is included at no extra charge.
One-click staging, an exclusive feature called "staging". 

Before you make any updates to your site, you can click on the "snapshot" button, to create a copy of your site in a separate safe area. 

If you implement these measures, you will be better protected than most, of course never never say  as things always change but hope you found this useful.  Just to note, none of the measures above are specialist skill and can be done quickly so you then can concentrate on running your site.

kind regards

A Big Hurdle People Face Online - Confidence & The Question Will Work For Them?

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to make REAL money on the internet?

Well, if you listen to your friends, neighbours, family and co-workers, you’ll learn that it’s impossible and that you’re just gonna lose your money and get scammed or ripped off.

The Truth is...

The odds are actually in their favour that they’ll be right!

And that’s because the truth is there are far more ways to lose money on the internet than truly show you how to make money.

What you need to understand first is that YOUR money is a business.

There are countless people out there figuring out right now, how to get your money from your wallet and put it in theirs.

So what can you do to prevent this and only get the right information from the right people?

The answer may surprise you!

Having spoken and worked with a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs over the years one key factor that needs to exist is...

You have to have an unwavering belief it will work for you

Of course, you need a plan and business model but above all else if you are not committed there are so many pitfalls and learning curves to manoeuvre it is likely you will run out of gas and quit.

Now let's HONESTLY look at the numbers a staggering 97% people fail to make any money online. If you are new to the net thing, it's hype and confusion, easily pulls you into believing overnight riches are the norm with people regularly quoting astounding figures in days.

A lot of it is nothing more than pure BS and lots smoke and mirrors -trust me I have seen and followed them all without results and adding nothing but frustration and disappointment.

I am not saying here that most marketers are bad, just some are just selling the dream... 
rather than giving you real actionable and solid advice that works. 

I firmly believe great, no incredible incomes can be made from the internet as the sheer volume of numbers involved makes only a small sale but sold x amount of times soon adds up to incredible sums.

But let's face another FACT here...

Making Money On The Internet Is Not Easy

Ask anyone who is honest, and if they lay it out for you, nothing came easy without a lot of challenges and expense.

Now I appreciate it's not what 99% of people out there will tell you, and probably not what you want to hear, but its a FACT and just ask 100 of your closest friends or marketers if they have made money easily online?

I have studied very hard over the years, including marketing, business, finance, and followed most top marketers to their final destinations; the result typically being high level coaching or memberships.

With the top tier being one on one mentoring which is more of a selection process than anything else, sort of bordering on entry to an exclusive club, not short of selling you soul as some have found out to their cost.

The one key tool you need to hold develop and retain is self-confidence and confidence in the fact this can and does work, and you will be challenged daily. Not just in the business world but in your circle of friends, your family, co-workers and socially.

Those of you involved in network marketing will face particular challenges with rejection, and the constant no thank you, or no don't ever mention it to me again are common place.

You will have to build a sort of mental barrier and dismiss those who put you down. It can come in all forms a jibe comment or joke from a friend it all sticks. You need to be thick skinned and reinforce the fact it does work and make your mind a fortress of resolve. The resolve you are going to do it!

The reason I mention this is I see it daily where a person's hopes, dreams and desires get crushed sometimes by those closest to them. I see it creeping in and slowly grabbing hold, and suddenly the plan or project is put down never to be picked up again.

It's like stepping off the treadmill its hard to get back on again. One thing that will keep you focused and strong is mind programming now please don't get wrong here we are not talking about hypnotising or anything like that just inputting certain information to reinforce and program you mind for success.

One such resource is a great book called Instant Confidence by Paul McKenna Ph.D. is the world's leading hypnotist and Britain's most successful self-improvement author.

He reveals the secrets of mastering your emotions and living with a greater sense of ease and certainty than ever before.

You will learn how to push the 'off' switch for fear and desperation and create massive amounts of confidence and motivation in just a few moments.

Would you like to feel strong in difficult situations?

Whether you want to feel totally confident in business, romance or any other area of your life, Paul will walk you step by step through a series of simple yet powerful techniques normally only available to his private clients and seminar attendees.

In addition, the book contains a mind-programming CD which uses the latest psychological techniques to fill your mind with positive thoughts and feelings. Each time you listen, you will be re-enforcing positive optimism and programming your mind for success.

Although this post is bordering on personal development, I want to emphasise the importance of daily reinforcing your confidence as most don't have it or believe, and I mean REALLY believe it will work for them.

When you don't have this solid confidence, you will not give 100% to your business or plan you won't run the ads, get the video done or write the copy. You need to have a concrete belief you can do this and really shut out all thoughts of failure or it will grow and really hold you back.

The book mentioned coupled with the mind programming CD has helped countless people, and it is my sincere wish it may help you too I am not affiliated or anything like that. As one of the many tools, I have used over the years and a possible solution to a problem we all face daily I think it will add immense value to your journey.

Confidence is not to be confused with arrogance or turning into the a jackass but rather being comfortable with your intention and rock solid in your beliefs, who and where you are going

Real confidence compared to fake it till you make it -the difference is like night and day.

I hope at least a few of the action takers make use of this information. and encourage people to look inside. It's always worth asking what's holding you back? often it's internal rather than our surroundings. Those who wish to gain self-knowledge be confident that it is regarded by many as the best knowledge we can learn.

hope this helps - and good luck in moving forward

kind regards