Tuesday, 26 August 2014

The Two Personality Types & The Ant Philosophy

Hi everyone,

Having worked with a lot of people over the years both in the military often seen as a boiling pot of young talent to working with businesses throughout the globe there are always two main types of people we see.

People are complex, and we are all unique individuals, but two personality traits always shine through no matter what the situation be it having challenges with their business or being in high-stress situations such as a conflict or working exceptionally long hours.

So let's give you an example we all can relate to, meetings are a fact of everyone's life - be it in work as a staff meeting or a boardroom business meetings. Most of us have all lost countless hours sitting in meeting discussing how much work needs to be done, but just spent half the day in a meeting that resulted in not getting a lot done.

So you have two people: Mick and John, both of equal intellect and status, you simply ask them to arrange a meeting room for say 11.00am Monday with refreshments and all items required a whiteboard, markers, handouts, pens and such like that's the task.

Now depending on their attitude and approach two things will happen you will turn up at 11.00 am and it will be all good to go so you can get on and cover all areas swiftly and get moving. The alternative result and more likely these days the room is locked or been double booked and the meeting has to be offset or rescheduled.

So let's look at potentially could happen here, well both got the task, but Mick went and seen the meeting room, and found it was locked. He tried to locate the keys, but the guy who had the key was off sick that day. He may have asked a few people but got no joy, he also checked to see if window or another access was available.

Given that he believes that he explored options he gives up on the task and does not follow through on booking refreshments or give feedback to management that a problem has arisen.

He then puts the task to the back on his mind and says he will try tomorrow again. Next day Mick is sent on a driving job to the airport and is taken off base the entire day.

He also fails to delegate the task to someone else to sort meeting out - the result is a massive fail come Monday 11.00 when 10-15 people turnup  only to be rather embarrassing told it’s not happening.    

Now John, on the other hand, once given the task, takes 2 minutes after to write down details and what is required liaise with the cookhouse for refreshments, cutlery, etc., what equipments he needs to source whiteboard markers, stationery, etc.

He then goes to the venue of meeting to see the layout, the door is locked, as before with Mick, but John follows the trail also to find key person is missing that day, he tried to locate another access but also finds the window locked,

He next thinks all buildings are maintained by public works department and that they keep spare keys in case of fire or lost keys so they can get another one cut; he phones round contacts the caretaker and gets access to the spare key.

He then access the room checks layout and gets a few guys to help him source the equipment needs he sets room up and also delegates responsibly to others to say pick up sandwiches and cutlery at 10.00 Monday.

John also prepares the tables and layout to ensure everything ready to rock and roll. He also holds on to key and secures room once he's ready placing a note on the door to inform of upcoming meeting. Sure enough, when 11.00 am comes around everything is swift and efficient, and the meeting is a blinding success.

So what the difference in Mike and John, is John super clever or a better person, no, not really the factor that makes him more valuable is his attitude and mindset he's got what I refer the Ant Philosophy, mentioned by the late Jim Rohn, a great man.

Most will have seen the picture of a child or nature guy holding an ant in the palm of his hand and trying to control its movement, usually fruitlessly as the ant will go over, under, through - he will find a way or die trying to get the food back to the nest.

We see this to extreme with the migration of Army ants in Africa where they literally destroy everything in their path, systematically covering huge areas with nothing in their path surviving, crossing huge rivers building a raft of ants so others can use their bodies to get over, etc.

I am not saying that you become so ferocious that you leave a path of destruction where every you've been, as some do, but rather have the tenacity that no obstacle will stand in your way. They are like test walls put up to see how much you want it, are you going to stay on that side of the door / wall or will you employ the ant philosophy to get under, over through, no matter what.

The others out there who lack this mental fortitude and the resolve to commit and say I am going to do it always seem to have problems but rarely look inward but blame , condemn and criticise everyone else. They blame the factors like the person who was sick, why were they not in work? Or why is the window not open? Etc its all the wrong approach.

The key is to deliver no matter what always do more than expected, put the extra effort in no matter what the task. It is often quoted that we leave our signature on everything we do.

So adopt the attitude to raise the level of commitment and make it a habit give everything in life 110% you relationships,your business, health, etc. Pretty soon it's automatic, and you will amaze the level of competency you have. This habit will reaffirms your confidence, and you will tackle bigger problems and solutions seem to present themselves as a matter of response

Here are two great mnemonics for Success and Failure

F-rustration, hopelessness, futility                     S-ense of direction
A-ggression (misdirected)                                 U-nderstanding
I-nsecurity                                                          C-ourage
L-oneliness (lack of feeling complete)              C-harity
U-ncertainty                                                       E-steem
R-esentment                                                       S-elf-Confidence
E-mptiness                                                         S-elf-Acceptance

Try the Ant approach and even though it may seem like a minute little step :) it can revolutionise your business and life towards the attainment to your goals - so mark your map today on which area you want to invade and go to work :)

Hope this helps

kind regards

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