Monday, 27 October 2014

Why Audio Is The Most Consumable Media On The Planet

Of all the media out there, the one that is most favourable is audio.
I think we are programmed from birth to be more receptive from audio. If you think back to when your were a baby, most of your learning was through what we hear. Language, movement, danger was associated with an increase in noise either from an alarm or horn or a raised voice of a worried parent.

When we learned we mimicked how others speak, the language, the accent of parents and peers. Some of us would be better if we did not listening like those in rural areas of the UK, where you have to lip read in order to understand what some people are saying.

Having been an avid student for years and reading at a blistering pace, I have always made a point of adding audio to my library. Most find that not only is it easier to assimilate as you can multitask while driving or working an audio playing in the back round it is still retained  and taken in.

Many studies have also been done on retention of information and what we hear stays in the long term memory a lot longer than reading materials as we tend to forget an estimated 50-60% of what we read.

Be under no illusion people love audio content,  it's easy to download an MP3 or podcast to your iPhone and listen to your favourite story or comedian. There has been a phenomenal  growth in  podcasting and new websites entirely focusing on audio. Here is a great video about the growth of audio in the worldwide arena and the future possibilities.  

I think this new information is not only exciting but also life changing, as the technology now enables the average person to sit down prepare a message, information or advice can produce , edit and distribute it to a huge network of people using the free mediums available.

If you would like to know more on this visit the link below to see the upcoming video series its both informative and revolutionary - sounds a bit hypey I know but really is making the world of audio within reach without expensive recording equipment or facilities.

 show me more about this

 hope that helps feel free to comment and share kind regards and look forward to some great FREE audios coming soon

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