Saturday, 21 June 2014

Brazil, The World Cup & Why We Should Be Grateful For What We Have

I recently watched the program with a presenter called Ross Kemp called Extreme World. It featured the people of the streets of Brazil and in particular the drug culture there within the "Crackland" affecting nearly one million people whose whole life now revolves around getting their next fix of crack.

This program was particularly hard hitting as the mothers, and grandmothers roamed the streets trying desperately  to find their lost sons and daughters. There were people there from all parts of society from professionals to visiting tourist who fell into the trap.

The ages ranged from 10 years old to 70 year old, including pregnant mothers. This documentary was filmed before the World Cup with a major clean up operation launch to try and hide the truth from the visiting tourist who are only a few miles across the streets.

We are so fortunate to have the control  of our lives and be protected from such perils and to have the right to decide what we do in life. These unfortunate people are given crack samples free and instantly are hooked into the lifestyle.The then enter the world of depravity and damage to their health; the money involved is astronomical with corruption in every area, all getting rich on the misfortune and suffering of others.

In the US and elsewhere in the developed countries opportunity to progress, expand, improve our lives is everywhere, and are protected by our own education and common sense. We also have the good fortune of  the various law enforcement agencies who try to do something to curb the balance in our favour. Ultimately it comes down to individual choice, and one are where ignorance is certainly not bliss.

Some of these people who make the drug for pennies are working 24 hours a day were under the impression the were making a drug to aid the military to make them better soldiers in times of fighting. This is what they had been told by their employers.

In the UK, I regularly see people complaining how hard life is even though they get money for nothing without working in a lot of cases with stories of a father of some 25 kids all from multiple partners earning £800 a week on the social system never working a day in his 20 years.

People need to take responsibility for where they are and ultimately where they are not, we are too quick to criticise, condemn and complain and blame everyone for our circumstances. We see this in people's health, finances, living conditions and looking after their children or often sadly mistreating their kids.

We have to realise how fortunate we are and look about at what you have, not constantly dwell and envy on what others have. This  causes nothing but resentment and frustration. Lots of people wait and think religion and divine intervention will save the day, but it all starts with you and deciding to live a better life and have an attitude of gratitude and expectation. I have travelled the world and seen some horrific living conditions and poverty beyond belief and people most who have not had that experience will never understand how fortunate they are, despite their circumstance.

If you're not happy with you current circumstances in life, decide to take control and make the changes towards a better life. The truth is no one is ever going to come knocking on your door and do it for you you need to seek it out and grab hold of it. Of course, there will be challenges as that's all part of life but if you look towards your future and do nothing it will be the same.

Don't be like the people who are no longer able to decide and can only focus on their next fix of crack like the living dead with little or no hope of ever breaking free. Sometimes we don't realise how precious the free things in life are until they are taken from you, be fortunate for what you have and decide today to make the most of your god given talents and abilities. Alife full of regret is the hardest thing ever to reflect on so make the most of yours starting with your attitude towards life.

hope you found this interesting

kind regards

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Before Jumping Into Marketing Online - First Lead With The Product

One common problem that constantly raises it head when selling online products or services online is...

Lots of people try to start earning online income by coming up with ideas and new plans to launch something new or unique. Often it can be a lot easier and smarter to first find something that is already selling incredibly well and decide that this is what you're going to promote, and design your marketing around it.

As humans, we have a tendency to overcomplicate things and also try to reinvent the wheel but have you ever noticed how many hairdressers or pizza places there are all earning great incomes. If there are 10 -20 of those businesses in your town or city, how do they all make money quickly and consistently?
Answer by they all have a particular target and look after their customers in a particular way.

Some have better customer service, hotter pizzas, cooler haircuts, etc. each one is slightly better at one part of their service or selling their products. Dominoes for example promised "hot pizza delivered to you in under 30 minutes"

The best way to be successful in a business is to find and market to an already hungry crowd, people who will buy on demand. We can see this trend with seasonal items or whenever Apple or some high tech firm releases a new product with people queuing for hours before its even available, each niche has it's group of fans and buyers. Above all else if you provide a product with a high demand, you will get sales and buyers, check on Google and see what people want first. You still need to set up your campaign to supply this quality service or service and give the customer a good experience.

So try to design or reverse engineer your business and first lead with a product or service you know there is a huge hungry crowd, ready and waiting. Look at the various industries and niches some have huge potential for green energy to personal development. Then find the top selling products and service and if they have an affiliate or partner programs.

This process can save you months of time and wasted effort, I see businesses and individuals all the time, who do not adequate conduct enough market research and then struggle to make sale. Before investing your valuable time and effort just take the time out to first analyse what selling in your chosen field and if you too can capitalise on it, providing a high quality products and great service - you will be glad you did.

kind regards

Monday, 16 June 2014

The Power of Keeping A Journal & Why It’s Your Best Tool For Success

Hi ,

Been away on some great high level training lately in London, if I could share tool I have used over 15 + years, that would make a significant difference to your life, what would it be?

Well, the winning answer has to be To Keep A Personal Journal

Now people get slightly confused and think if it as a dairy. Something we use for scheduling or writing down our feelings on a daily basis. The truth is a journal is something entirely different and if used currently is more of an extension of your mind, sounds deep, I know but let me explain.

Your memory although can be very good in some cases, will always let you down, you will lose your tasks, thoughts and ideas, we all have had a great idea come to us while doing some mundane task and then it faded away to the depths never to return.

The same can occur with our intentions and plans, this is where a journal comes into its own it.The perfect journal should be strong, and ideally leather bound, so your pages don’t fall out and lose a potentially lucrative idea or action step.

Some people have slips of paper, loose leaf pages and all sorts of notes, but most of these will fall by the wayside or get lost for sure. Being organised is important, and you should treat your journal as something of value.

So how do you use a journal as most people are unsure, a journal is a living tool to record your plans, progress, ideas, projects and manage your life.

The most important detail is to record dates location and events on the top of the page so you can use it to measure your progress or lack of it. Not putting dates in or specific details causes the entry to have no point of reference.

For example, writing the statement "I want to lose 20lbs in bodyweight" on the page with no date attached cannot be measured -simple, but also a common mistake. The same error could show up for wanting to earn a fixed sum of money if no date attached, it's not measurable.

You can look back and see all your goals and outstanding tasks with a timeline and reprioritise them to get the most important ones done.

I also do a weekly sweep up of what was accomplished and what I need to focus on next week; this can be highly beneficial and not relying on your memory is key, as it frees up your mental ram once your brain sees it backed up. Some people are worrying far too much stuff in their head when entering it into their journal will do a far better job and take some pressure off too.

Your journals become highly valuable as when you complete a project with all the fine details. You can use it again as a historical reference guide on what you did right, wrong and what can be improved.

It can also add to your confidence when you look back on what you have accomplished. People have been able to use that information to produce a resume or assist in dealing with some emergency that popped up.

Succesful people think on paper that is a fact having dealt with many over years. Its a common theme and they are always writing and thinking. It's good to do a sweep up on all open loops you have and write them down be systematic and go through areas like finances, relationship, business, health, etc. If you have not done so already, set your ideal goals in these areas and look at often remind yourself why you're doing all this.

Lots of people use electronic versions on laptop, mobiles, etc. but personally I have found it not to be as effective. The problem is devices go flat,  get problems, lose data, etc. The old pen and paper are far more reliable.

Make a habit of having a journal with you most of the time or ion the car as you never know when you'll get sone great idea or be waiting for an appointment and have time to plan or review your progress.

I have personally along with those I worked with in past who adopted the practice found a journal to be the single best tool in self management and aid to keep things on track.

My recommendation is to go and buy a decent A4 size one and implement it in your life it will pay you back ten fold. If you need more direction go to iTunes and purchase the audio by the Great Jim Rohn “How To Use A Journal” may also be on Youtube free.

Finally, those who do this will get great value and although a simple idea and concept it works exceptionally well. Only yesterday at a meeting I noticed people who were trying to rely on their memory to remember a huge amount of information.

Only to find on the 2nd day review that they had lost 90% of the information covered. If they were smart and took some good notes in their journal, they would not have lost that valuable information.

hope this helps

kind regards



Thursday, 12 June 2014

Building A Strong Foundation of Key Skills


This week I have been working with a lot of business from fitness trainers, web designers to travel agencies and regrettably the fundemental skill sets that are essential for any business are blatantly missing

Basic knowledge of people, sales, marketing, self management  and communication skills, also letting their frustrations show through in their attitude and style not bad language per say just a negative tone and perception as if its everyone else's fault their business is not a success.

A few people have read my post and know that honesty is crucial to me, and I always try to straight down the line with people.

Sometimes it involves great tact to get across a point to a business owner, that it may be their fault, especially with some of the egomaniacs out there, who never look inward.

The problem is if you have not mastered the basics of communication and a little bit of people phycology on how we all work,  its very difficult to connect with anyone at any level of influence

The same goes for other necessary skills if you have no idea of how to make a sale its going to be a tough road ahead.

Being lucky enough myself to have worked in many places over the world with many cultures, and one common need is they all desire respect, good communication and compassion.

It does not mean you're a pushover, just that you treat them properly, and they will work hard with or for you.

If your brand new or a season business owner, presumed knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

I know guys in the business who have very limited skills in any area does that mean they are successful?  No, certainly not, money on its own does not equal success.

A good practice is to do a self audit on your skills and be 100% honest as your only fooling yourself.

If you don't know anything about traffic, say so.. If your are a very poor communicator via email or verbally it all counts.

How is your sales and marketing knowledge?

How is your self discipline?

I had a friend who wanted me to become his business partner but his communication is shocking and his attitude towards his customers was derogatory to put it mildly

I turned him down flat as clashed with my values and beliefs, and did not want to be part of something like that.

The basic skills we all need are people skills, how to communicate effectively both in voice and through correspondence. He need to have a good grasp on sales philosophy and why people buy.
This one area, is something people shy away from, but nothing in the world happens until a sale is made no bread no milk, etc. just think about that for a minute.

With the internet you need to know some basics about domain names, hosting , how to set up a page or site... all learnable skills on Youtube or Google for free

Take responsibility for our own skills and do not rely on anyone to cover the basics as they should really be in place already. I don't say that to put people off, but if you are to build a stable business you need a strong foundation.

You need confidence in yourself and a desire to get there, saying OK, I'll  try this or I'm confused and staying there just won't cut it. If you want to brand yourself you need to put the effort in, get out there on Youtube put your picture in your profile and take action

I could tell you a hundred stories of business and people who I have tried to help, but they failed because of the lack of the fundamentals and self discipline.

My suggestion is that need to get those down, none of them are beyond your potential and other people will help,  if you only ask and reach out but don't expect them to do it all for you

As the Great Jim Rohn use to say "You Can't Carry 3" so take a self audit today where are you strong and where are your weak areas then set aim to improve those skills -

The result is you will be a more confident and well-rounded person and it will help your business and income goals come within your reach a lot sooner.

kind regards


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Information Overload How to Beat It & Turning Off The So Called Guru’s.

One point I would like to mention which is really important and anyone who has spent time online researching or trying to find answers has come across, it is the all too familiar point of...

Information Overload.

The Web Today is Full of It....

It can be very hard for the new person or experienced marketer or any internet user on deciding just who to listen to online you subscribe to numerous list for additional information and suddenly your inbox is bursting at the seams with email subject lines like:

Make 10K in the Next 10 Days!
Another 4K today as I watched television!
250k per annum...would that be of interest to you.

I have followed these so called Gurus and tried to contact many of them personally through support and various means only to find they are untouchable, and you get redirected all over the place.

One point I must mention, I do not expect them to reply personally as appreciate and respect they are extremely busy, but their support can let them down also and not even acknowledge your email that is all I ever ask for so I know they got it, that's all.

I know and have worked with a lot of millionaires who do and can find time to talk and help you and have got emails and had a beer with many so don't ever be afraid to ask.

My advice to you is turn off the noise into your life and get back to work. One quote that I have written on my desk is “If it is to be its up to me” as no one is going to bring success to your door you need to stand guard at the gates to your mind and don’t let negative info come into your domain.

Just as we find ourselves watching some lame program on the TV, we switch over to something better, and that annoying or negative influence no longer affects us.

I cannot stress enough how important it is that you keep you focus, and the last thing you need is some guys stating he has just earned another 20k while you had a cup of tea or in my case a Budweiser.

The problem with information overload is it does affect you, even if you think you are not taking any notice, it seeps in. It is enough to see these email headers you do not have to read the content. It can have a negative effect on your progress and also cause you to beat yourself up as everyone else is making all this money but why are you struggling - the result most thing this is not for them and quit

It's so easy to do and people quit at everything these days as it’s an easy route and the human race is getting more accustomed to “easy” with all the technology and comforts we now have. So it almost has become a habit if something is hard or difficult find an easier way or quit finding something easier - that's just the way things are going.

Email is the most common means of information into our lives from the internet although social media is now taking over through Facebook and Twitter. My suggestion is get a new email account from Googlemail which has unlimited storage and the only let those people who are positive and have quality input know your new email then set some filters so all your emails are auto sorted into relevant folders

You can then pick and chose at your leisure, just who to listen to, and I respect some of the so called Gurus, but the problem with some of these claims is most are screen shots or photoshopped it is far better to see live footage.

I have no doubt there are great incomes being made on the internet, but there are also allot of smoke and mirrors of people claiming one thing, but the reality is very different. Anyone who insults you intelligence with claims of Get Rich Quick or just do this and sit back and watch the money roll in is seriously wasting your time. The older I get, the less notice I take of what people do but let their actions speak for themselves.

So create a new email account it’s FREE and only let those who have a positive benefit your mind into your life. I for one cannot watch the SAW movies although I appreciate some of the clever plots, they are far too gory for me, so I don’t watch them ever.

This point has helped me ignore a lot of the bull on the Internet, drastically cut down on Information Overload and keeps me working towards my goals without being distracted thinking why have I not made my first million yet.

You need to learn new skills and invest some hard work in order to make money online, it is an enormous opportunity and still brand new despite what people think.

Growth is phenomenal, and the marketplace never sleeps so get to work and change that channel towards a more successful future it's is all about choice. If you have any comments or questions regarding this post, please contact me.

I wail leave you with some great advice from Dan Kennedy -

Be The Wizard, Beware Of The Wizard

study what other marketers do, not necessarily what they teach

To your success,

kind regards


Monday, 9 June 2014

Your Quest - Internet Marketing, Business & The Never Ending Battle For Real Information.

“My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.”

No, only making fun, but that movie - Gladiator, is a favourite of mine…

My name is Simon Byrne and have recently finished a busy career in the military serving all over the world as a senior manager / engineer working in all sorts of conditions from Basra Palace to the steamy jungles of South America.

I have always had an entrepreneurial strip ever since I started receiving a CEO'S mail sent to the wrong address but with the same name as mine, as a young kid. This induction got me thinking at only 9 years old, WOW, how cool would it be to run my own company, after all I already had one named after me.

I have now been involved in many businesses over last 20 + years, MLM, retail, direct sales, very broad range experience as willing to give anything a shot as long as it's ethical and not an outright scam like 90% of the stuff out there.

Over the last decade, I've delved deep into the internet, and was led down many dead ends and empty trails, but its all part of the learning curve and I have enjoyed it. Success really is a journey, even though it’s been tough on the wallet and the brain cells at times trying to fit it all in without my head exploding, as one of the grenades I once threw.

Thankfully I now only fight the endless stream of information on the web and try to help as many people as I can. I was always to go-to-guy in my previous businesses & jobs, putting out the fires whenever needed, no matter what.

My key skill I have is a good head for standing back, take everything apart and fix it, it might be my engineering back round and I was an outstanding student (not being bigheaded at all ) just that I made the grade.

Now if there is one thing I could do better than most - it would be the ability to "Calm The Whirlwind" meaning taking complex problems or scenarios and getting them down to the cause or issue.

When it come to business, and the internet people are being mislead, mis sold, and downright getting their ass kicked when coming to find out about IM and how it all works. I want to try and help people see through the trees to the other side and try to show them the way through the minefield out there.

Do I know it all, of course not, but have studied hard and put stuff to work and have found out some great info along the way.I am a very straight shooter and have always been I will be 100% honest with you and hope my advice at least helps some people out there avoid the many pitfalls and shorten the journey

I am keen to post on this blog and share some entertaining stories with you along the way. You are all outstanding people, and my mission is to give exceptional, no BS advice in this age of technology and information overload.

Today we all have a special love, hate relationship with this internet thing, there is no doubt the Internet has revolutionised the world, it can be both a shark pit or place of great resource and a force for good.

There are rogues in every field in life, and the trick is to stay clear of those at all costs. The battle of good vs. evil is always ongoing, but with the right guidance, it can be a battle won, and it's here you can join me to support a better way forward.

Stay strong and remember

"You Become What You Think About" - so make it something worthwhile

kind regards


Stay tuned for some great information coming soon.