Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Information Overload How to Beat It & Turning Off The So Called Guru’s.

One point I would like to mention which is really important and anyone who has spent time online researching or trying to find answers has come across, it is the all too familiar point of...

Information Overload.

The Web Today is Full of It....

It can be very hard for the new person or experienced marketer or any internet user on deciding just who to listen to online you subscribe to numerous list for additional information and suddenly your inbox is bursting at the seams with email subject lines like:

Make 10K in the Next 10 Days!
Another 4K today as I watched television!
250k per annum...would that be of interest to you.

I have followed these so called Gurus and tried to contact many of them personally through support and various means only to find they are untouchable, and you get redirected all over the place.

One point I must mention, I do not expect them to reply personally as appreciate and respect they are extremely busy, but their support can let them down also and not even acknowledge your email that is all I ever ask for so I know they got it, that's all.

I know and have worked with a lot of millionaires who do and can find time to talk and help you and have got emails and had a beer with many so don't ever be afraid to ask.

My advice to you is turn off the noise into your life and get back to work. One quote that I have written on my desk is “If it is to be its up to me” as no one is going to bring success to your door you need to stand guard at the gates to your mind and don’t let negative info come into your domain.

Just as we find ourselves watching some lame program on the TV, we switch over to something better, and that annoying or negative influence no longer affects us.

I cannot stress enough how important it is that you keep you focus, and the last thing you need is some guys stating he has just earned another 20k while you had a cup of tea or in my case a Budweiser.

The problem with information overload is it does affect you, even if you think you are not taking any notice, it seeps in. It is enough to see these email headers you do not have to read the content. It can have a negative effect on your progress and also cause you to beat yourself up as everyone else is making all this money but why are you struggling - the result most thing this is not for them and quit

It's so easy to do and people quit at everything these days as it’s an easy route and the human race is getting more accustomed to “easy” with all the technology and comforts we now have. So it almost has become a habit if something is hard or difficult find an easier way or quit finding something easier - that's just the way things are going.

Email is the most common means of information into our lives from the internet although social media is now taking over through Facebook and Twitter. My suggestion is get a new email account from Googlemail which has unlimited storage and the only let those people who are positive and have quality input know your new email then set some filters so all your emails are auto sorted into relevant folders

You can then pick and chose at your leisure, just who to listen to, and I respect some of the so called Gurus, but the problem with some of these claims is most are screen shots or photoshopped it is far better to see live footage.

I have no doubt there are great incomes being made on the internet, but there are also allot of smoke and mirrors of people claiming one thing, but the reality is very different. Anyone who insults you intelligence with claims of Get Rich Quick or just do this and sit back and watch the money roll in is seriously wasting your time. The older I get, the less notice I take of what people do but let their actions speak for themselves.

So create a new email account it’s FREE and only let those who have a positive benefit your mind into your life. I for one cannot watch the SAW movies although I appreciate some of the clever plots, they are far too gory for me, so I don’t watch them ever.

This point has helped me ignore a lot of the bull on the Internet, drastically cut down on Information Overload and keeps me working towards my goals without being distracted thinking why have I not made my first million yet.

You need to learn new skills and invest some hard work in order to make money online, it is an enormous opportunity and still brand new despite what people think.

Growth is phenomenal, and the marketplace never sleeps so get to work and change that channel towards a more successful future it's is all about choice. If you have any comments or questions regarding this post, please contact me.

I wail leave you with some great advice from Dan Kennedy -

Be The Wizard, Beware Of The Wizard

study what other marketers do, not necessarily what they teach

To your success,

kind regards


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