Thursday, 12 June 2014

Building A Strong Foundation of Key Skills


This week I have been working with a lot of business from fitness trainers, web designers to travel agencies and regrettably the fundemental skill sets that are essential for any business are blatantly missing

Basic knowledge of people, sales, marketing, self management  and communication skills, also letting their frustrations show through in their attitude and style not bad language per say just a negative tone and perception as if its everyone else's fault their business is not a success.

A few people have read my post and know that honesty is crucial to me, and I always try to straight down the line with people.

Sometimes it involves great tact to get across a point to a business owner, that it may be their fault, especially with some of the egomaniacs out there, who never look inward.

The problem is if you have not mastered the basics of communication and a little bit of people phycology on how we all work,  its very difficult to connect with anyone at any level of influence

The same goes for other necessary skills if you have no idea of how to make a sale its going to be a tough road ahead.

Being lucky enough myself to have worked in many places over the world with many cultures, and one common need is they all desire respect, good communication and compassion.

It does not mean you're a pushover, just that you treat them properly, and they will work hard with or for you.

If your brand new or a season business owner, presumed knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

I know guys in the business who have very limited skills in any area does that mean they are successful?  No, certainly not, money on its own does not equal success.

A good practice is to do a self audit on your skills and be 100% honest as your only fooling yourself.

If you don't know anything about traffic, say so.. If your are a very poor communicator via email or verbally it all counts.

How is your sales and marketing knowledge?

How is your self discipline?

I had a friend who wanted me to become his business partner but his communication is shocking and his attitude towards his customers was derogatory to put it mildly

I turned him down flat as clashed with my values and beliefs, and did not want to be part of something like that.

The basic skills we all need are people skills, how to communicate effectively both in voice and through correspondence. He need to have a good grasp on sales philosophy and why people buy.
This one area, is something people shy away from, but nothing in the world happens until a sale is made no bread no milk, etc. just think about that for a minute.

With the internet you need to know some basics about domain names, hosting , how to set up a page or site... all learnable skills on Youtube or Google for free

Take responsibility for our own skills and do not rely on anyone to cover the basics as they should really be in place already. I don't say that to put people off, but if you are to build a stable business you need a strong foundation.

You need confidence in yourself and a desire to get there, saying OK, I'll  try this or I'm confused and staying there just won't cut it. If you want to brand yourself you need to put the effort in, get out there on Youtube put your picture in your profile and take action

I could tell you a hundred stories of business and people who I have tried to help, but they failed because of the lack of the fundamentals and self discipline.

My suggestion is that need to get those down, none of them are beyond your potential and other people will help,  if you only ask and reach out but don't expect them to do it all for you

As the Great Jim Rohn use to say "You Can't Carry 3" so take a self audit today where are you strong and where are your weak areas then set aim to improve those skills -

The result is you will be a more confident and well-rounded person and it will help your business and income goals come within your reach a lot sooner.

kind regards


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