Tuesday 17 October 2017

Self Made Man Podcast with Mike Dillard HOW TO BUILD A $100 MILLION BRAND FROM SCRATCH with Andy Dunn


A great story & message here from Mike Dillard Self Made Man
an excellent podcast & mission to empower men and women throughout the globe
A great episode with Andy Dunn creator of clothing brand Bonobos.
Subscribe available on iTunes, Stitcher, Youtube, Spotify


Monday 16 October 2017

Jay Abraham interviews Brian Tracy

Success leaves clues...

Some great tips from two of the finest mentors in the world

If you always follow the guru's back up the tree and find out who they learned from

without a doubt, there will only be less than 5 people in the world

2 of them will be these guys.

If your going to buy a book and course, make it one of theirs

you will not be disappointed, a good starting place is with Brain Tracy's Focal Point book

Monday 9 October 2017


Bodybuilders are weird right, WRONG!

Some people just don't get what it's all about...

it's a mental game that spills into every area of your life.

The mind of man can lift anything compared to physical strength.

Congrats Phil, Great Speech & Passion for the sport.


Monday 24 August 2015

Why Facebook Is Loosing Sight Of It's Primary Mission......

Why Facebook is about as much use as a Chocolate Fireguard......
Firstly, this needs to be said....
Facebook was designed to be a social hub to hang out be fun take the mic out of each others, share you pics and life journey and generally be cool agreed.
Now Facebook has changed into a pie eating, money-chomping, investor driven, slapper who sells its soul to the highest bidder.
Remember the days when you used to share your photo of little Jimmy doing a headstand on the bonnet of your dad's new Morris Minor smile emoticon and others used to like, share and comment?
Well not thanks to Zuckerberg's grubby mitts, your organic posts have about as much penetration power as snail towing a Mac truck:
Now instead of all your friends seeing your stuff and your Saturday night fever impression now barely a handful of people see your content, no matter how big your boobs are:)
Even Steve Wonder could see that interaction no matter how controversial has dropped lower than a snake's ass in a sandstorm.
Why you may ask my learned friends?
Well because of investors and fat cat poppy-cock antics. Facebook is trying to squeeze people to pay for the privilege now that you're hooked:)
They now are trying to stop videos from being circulated as the introduction of FB video comes in, along with the internal search engine. This so you won't have to go to Google who is the authority in the world not "did you see my cats ass picture on Facebook".
They want to keep you on here at all costs, after all shooting fish in a barrel is a lot easier than trawling the bloody ocean.
I do not want to see my newsfeed littered with my past browsing habits as I did not really want to buy those handcuffs with the furry rabbits feet I just liked the colour or sign up for the Kim Kardashian swimwear catalogue :))
You see this every day people in groups with about as much action, going on as in Michael Jackson's dance shoes ( also a huge fan so let's not go into troll mode). I probably won't see it anyway unless you pay Zuck :)) (If you want to hire me, Zuck, sorry not for sale bud :))
I see people all the time trying to use Facebook for business, but I could not care less how many likes and followers you have. If I were standing naked in Tesco's window, I would get fans but I am not sure they would be by SpongeBob SquarePants limited edition Y-fronts :))
it's very different shift in mindset when to come to buying or taking action of any kind especially getting their wallet out.
People are in browse mode on Facebook as opposed to buying mode in Ebay and Amazon marketplace, but don't worry FB stores will come too in time.
There is a way, of course, to do Facebook correctly, but it's not in line with Facebooks best interests or desires. Why you may ask?
If done properly it makes you more money rather than paying Zuck to help to build his tower to the moon by stacking his $100 bills smile emoticon
I genuinely feel sorry that people don't realize this and that why I write this post. I don't do any business on Facebook and just put stuff out as a storage area for my media (like a giant hard drive).
I don't really mind if no one likes or follows as I expect nothing from it apart from sharing my stories with and the odd bit of wisdom and sarcasm thrown in.
(Before you crucify me for my Stevie Wonder comment I am not offending blind people as have friends who are blind) and happily dance to Stevie's tunes "All night long" or was that Barry White- so all you happy clappers can get back in your box and just move on and hug a tree somewhere.
One you realize, what people's mentality and attention are on facebook you'll see it's not the right place to sell your stuff or your aunt, Nelly.
Yes but everyone doing it, I hear you say, Big Frank Kern the "Kerninator" as I affectionately call him smile emoticon is on here. I seen his ads, Yes I know, but Frank is a very astute marketer and know's how this sucker rolls, most have no idea.
Facebook is losing it's way in my eyes, and I get better results everywhere else in terms of interaction on a social side and more people see my stuff and get entertained and some hopefully useful information.
Free information, I might add, as you can't buy my mind at least until the G-men come and take me away, anytime soon.
So wrapping this baby up tighter than a Yo Sushi Spring Roll,
Facebook is for fun and if that's what you like get naked smile emoticon
no seriously it's for fun and socialness!
Don't expect too much in way of response unless you pay the ferryman and if you want to build a highly successful business get serious and think outside the box like get your ass out of the office and meet people that's where it's at.
Get out there, supply and deliver great value and a first class service, don't do a half arsed job or stay at home.
So stop reading this post if Zuck does not ban my ass of facebook but i really don't care but I would miss all you lovely people and of course that crazy cat pictures, dwarf wrestling and people trying to take the ultimate selfie and getting it horribly wrong. but that's in another post if you see it.
Stay safe stay strong and always be nice, your mom's watching.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

*Being Your Own Boss And Earning That Magical 100k A Year*

Hi everyone,

Hope you are having a great week and I thought I would share a great little concept
I learned a while back during some sales and marketing training.

Working for yourself can be very challenging, and it certainly takes a certain attitude or ability to make it work. All skills are learnable but when there is no one there to hold your accountable it can be challenging.

Working for someone else is easy, in comparison as you have to be there at certain times and hopefully are monitored for your work output. You are held accountable otherwise you won't get paid or worse with the dreaded fear of being let go always looming.

But for those who are self-employed or freelance there are certain techniques you need to employ to get the most from yourself and be fair to your business goals. You need a structure and routine, one thing that has helped me is this method.

Imagine a man who is very smartly dressed and wealthy comes up and says I will pay you 100k a year if you do the following things.

You need to work 8-10 hours a day

You need to make sales and work hard at your business

You need to be committed to make it work

obviously it will be different for each of your business, but its the concept here I want to share rather than specifics.

So John says sign here, and you agree to my terms to earn 100k a year.
So you go ahead and sign and the next day, Monday your laying in bed tired and instead of starting work at 8.00 am you decide to have a snooze until 10.30 instead.

 You go into the bathroom to have a shave or put on your lipstick for our ladies here and suddenly John is stood there when you look in the mirror. He casually asks why did you start at 8.00 as we agreed?

We go through our day and meet a friend downtown and end up spending the afternoon tiling over old times over a few beers on the way home.

We call a cab, and John appears sat alongside asking how many sales or leads have I made today towards earning my 100k a year salary.

I could go on and give more examples, but you get the point, John, who is your imaginary boss, is a method of holding yourself accountable. He is like your virtual assistant. When you plan on doing something but don't follow through, he's there.

Using this method as a mind game, gives you the culpability. If your not doing what you should be doing making calls, making sales or marketing your business. We all can justify being busy, but there is a huge difference between activity and productivity.

I have known people who have a written agreement to themselves and signed it displaying it clearly where they see it every day. Some have worked it down to monthly, weekly, daily, hourly rates.

The fact is if you don't set an income goal for the year then it will be hard to aim at all. Solid businesses have predefined targets be it sales profit margins, key indicators of profit to strive towards.

So imagine the scenario and make some form of commitment to your conscious on what you're going to do to achieve your goals.

If you are losing motivation or focus, just imagine your other self saying you're not honouring our agreement to get there. Although some may pay lip service to this, being over simplistic, it works. You need to be responsible and hold yourself accountable; the pain of regret is far heavier to bear than the pain of effort.

Hope this helps you out

kind regards

Monday 27 October 2014

Why Audio Is The Most Consumable Media On The Planet

Of all the media out there, the one that is most favourable is audio.
I think we are programmed from birth to be more receptive from audio. If you think back to when your were a baby, most of your learning was through what we hear. Language, movement, danger was associated with an increase in noise either from an alarm or horn or a raised voice of a worried parent.

When we learned we mimicked how others speak, the language, the accent of parents and peers. Some of us would be better if we did not listening like those in rural areas of the UK, where you have to lip read in order to understand what some people are saying.

Having been an avid student for years and reading at a blistering pace, I have always made a point of adding audio to my library. Most find that not only is it easier to assimilate as you can multitask while driving or working an audio playing in the back round it is still retained  and taken in.

Many studies have also been done on retention of information and what we hear stays in the long term memory a lot longer than reading materials as we tend to forget an estimated 50-60% of what we read.

Be under no illusion people love audio content,  it's easy to download an MP3 or podcast to your iPhone and listen to your favourite story or comedian. There has been a phenomenal  growth in  podcasting and new websites entirely focusing on audio. Here is a great video about the growth of audio in the worldwide arena and the future possibilities.  

I think this new information is not only exciting but also life changing, as the technology now enables the average person to sit down prepare a message, information or advice can produce , edit and distribute it to a huge network of people using the free mediums available.

If you would like to know more on this visit the link below to see the upcoming video series its both informative and revolutionary - sounds a bit hypey I know but really is making the world of audio within reach without expensive recording equipment or facilities.

 show me more about this

 hope that helps feel free to comment and share kind regards and look forward to some great FREE audios coming soon